Buffalo Jewish Federation
2640 N. Forest Rd. Amherst, NY 14068
Phone 716.204.2244
Website www.buffalojewishfederation.org
Facebook www.facebook.com/BuffaloJewish/
For more than a century, Buffalo Jewish Federation has been at the center of the Jewish community. We are the safety net that enables Jews to fulfill our obligations to take care of each other. We are the vibrant hub of a community that celebrates Jewish life.
The BJF provides a variety of services and support to those in need, engagement of younger members of the Jewish community, Jewish Education and engagement, Jewish Cultural Arts, Leadership Development, Israel Advocacy and Global Jewry.
Through its many programs such as PJ Library, and Nickel City Jews; the Buffalo Jewish Federation continues to build a vibrant and caring Jewish community in Greater Buffalo, Israel and around the world.