Rabbi Yosef Alt grew up in Buffalo, New York, and is a Kadimah alumnus.
He attended Ner Israel Yeshiva in Baltimore, spent two years studying at the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem, and taught at the Atlanta Scholars Kollel for 4 years
He currently serves as the Rabbi at Golf Manor Synagogue in Cincinnati.

Give the Gift of Love
In this week’s Parsha, Noach prepares for a year-long voyage aboard the worlds very first cruise liner, “The Crown
Sharing the Burden
We all felt a sense of relief when ceasefire was declared this past Thursday. For eleven days we were
Free Time
Parshas Behar begins with the mitzvah of shemittah, the sabbatical year, when the land of Israel is allowed to rest
Short Term Investments
Pesach is just a mere two weeks away and we can all feel it coming. Every Yom Tov requires
Moshe’s Mask
“Please wear a mask” took on a whole new meaning this past Purim. Now, as we read parshas Ki
Living with Passion
This Shabbos is the last Shabbos before we celebrate the holiday of Purim. Haman, the villain of the Purim
The entire country has been engrossed in litigation this past week as we follow the impeachment trials. Many questions
Throw in The Towel
The news this week has been constantly covering the many reactions to last Wednesday’s violent riots… an attempt to
It’s Not About You – A Lesson in Leadership
After starting a new life as a shepherd of Yisro’s flocks, Moshe notices something unusual. He sees a burning bush
Mountain, Field, and House
In the beginning of this week’s parsha, Yaakov Avinu leaves home on his way to Charan to find a