Parshat Shoftim
The Purpose of My Soul
Noach was a remarkable individual, a wunderkind from the outset. His arrival in the world was announced as a transformative
Give the Gift of Love
In this week’s Parsha, Noach prepares for a year-long voyage aboard the worlds very first cruise liner, “The Crown
An Island in Time
How do you create an island in time? How do you get busy people to take time out of their
The 3 Sons of Noach
The Four Questions The opening verse of this parsha states: “These are the offspring of Noach. Noach was a perfectly righteous man…” No
The story of Noach and his generation is a most interesting one. A man receives a message from G-d: “The
The Perils of Sophistry
I often decide if I like someone by their eyes and their smile Right and wrong used to be obvious.